Thursday, March 12, 2009

read my description of what i am trying to accomplish here and then go from there..i'd like for people, ecspecially the youth to start transcending from the conformity that we have all been subjected too throughout our life. We need a new way of thinking, new way of teaching others and our kids...and new society that is based on individualism and the fact that conformity to your surroundings is not the answer.


  1. thats all you have to say about it..hah

  2. in think you have put a lot of thought into what you said. you must have an agenda and i can't wait to see how it unfolds. stay true to your words, believe what you say and be a leader - show your peers you mean what you say. actions, in most cases, do truly speak louder than words. you have an incredible insight as to how you would like to see the future be for you and your generation - act on it. make it happen.
